Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The new Chaos Marine Codex is in my hand!!

So, everyone got his codex or are intrigued by it!!? Well, I didn't like to pay 60$ just to get color and hard cover on my new book. Well, the space marine codex had 40 more pages then the current Chaos codex for 45$. What is it? Ink cost that much or what? Anyway, Price rage past and put aside, it is an interesting Codex.

To start with, I was realy disappointed on what the mark do now. Basically, the pro is that all your models pay an extra amount of point to get the power from the Specific God, so it mean that not all your models will lose the benefict from an Icon Death. They can still buy an  Universal Icon or from their respective Daemon God wich add an extra effect to the squad like Fear, Feel no Pain, reroll charge distance and furious charge, Fearless or giving all Bolt weapon the SoulBlaze ability.

MARK Of Khorne give Rage and counter charge, Giving Chaos Marine a Space wolf Feeling. Slaanesh give the usual +1 Initiative he always gave. Nurgle give the usual +1 to toughness, witch in 6th edition is better because any permanent toughness upgrade like bike and mark of nurgle are now counting toward instant death blow. And the Tzeentch Mark got lowered to 6++ invulnerable if the model had none, or the usual +1 to a model already existing invulnerable.

As you can see, now that my Invulnerable got lowered by the new rule, it kinda suck. I was expecting to keep a 5+  witch would mean moving with a standard kind of improved cover save all the time. But no. So my Blue corsair will be a Project put aside as I will repaint my chaos Lord with Green tone instead of Blue, BUT my Daemon Prince will Remain the way he his, A friend will sell me his converted Nurgle Winged Daemon Prince. Beside, Tzeentch Daemon Prince are not bad as their main ability is to reroll all failed save of one!!!

I intent on Painting a Nurgle Army, maybe the Death Guard, and maybe some Emperor Children as Mercenaries to add to my main force. Khorne berzerkers on first sight, seem to have lost so much. Thousand sons could be interesting, but I haven't think about them Yet.

Anyway, thank you for your time, and may war bring you happiness!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tzeentch, my new chaos God and my blue corsairs.

 Daemon Prince of tzeentch, I still need to figured what name i will give him.
 My chaos Lord, him too I have to figured a name. i like that model from Dark Vengeance starter set. It's my first time painting light effect from a plasma pistol and it isn't too bad in my own opinion.
I'm quite proud of his spine, well painted!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Yes, this is an announcement to tell you that we are going to play a large 40k game soon. We try to schedule the game in 3 or 4 weeks so we have the time to paint our stuff, if at least put primer on it.

The game will be a          2   Vs   2
On 1 side, 2    3000pts ork army
And on my side, my reborn marine and my partner isn't chosen yet. Stay alert for picture, bat reps and result and maybe a video!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Earth Reborn Army

 I proudly present you my first test model, the Earth Reborn Marine. Mostly brown with some blue on one leg (not show on this pic) and blue shoulder pad.
 Yeah yea, I know you 40k fan recognize the black reach model. But what better model to scrap if you don't like the result!! This particular model was lucky, I like him!!!
 I always wanted to see a brown space marine scheme, I never recall to have see one. So I was like (hey, I should paint one)
 So finally, I decided to converte all my Iron Knight to Earth Reborn. Why? Because of thoses guy under here!
 Yes, my first Grey Knight Army. Nothing is painted yet, but they will add color scheme close from the Iron knight. Basicaly, I just didn't want to have all my space marine army painted silver.
 I got all those Grey Knight by trading a small Eldar force and my ork army. Fear not, I kept some ork to eventualy paint.
So right now, I am trading my figurine (Iron Knight) for same model unpainted or on sprue. So if you like my Iron Knight paint scheme, Tell me.

My new commision done!! hope you like it!!

 It wasn't finish at the time I took the picture, but update will soon come as I am waiting for all the other reaper model I did for that particular customer.

 Haaaa, the monstruosity. A huge ork custom made from a friend. at the time of the pic was shot, the model was 70% complete. I love the part that he remove is leg and put track instead as cybork body part.

 I love this angle, it show more flesh then other side. you get the ork green flesh and the squig purple flesh!!

 Pain boy on bike and pain boy on foot.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tool of Trade!!

 On the left, my first kit of paint that make me started on the painting hobby. Starting cost a lot. You need maybe at least 5 different color for your model and that isn't considering wash, shadow, highlight and all other technique you might use. And 5 different color from citadel mean 25$ from Canada. In the box, you see 2 P3 paint pot that i recently bought to try it out. The brass color isn't bad, but the red, I need more time and work around it.

 Second kit of painting. Well, they are mostly more recent pot I bought one by one. With Gamesworkshop unleashing new color and new style of paint like the liquid gren stuff, or the mountain white texture paint, I had to try them. They cost the same as my old pot, but some of them had to be change cause time made some dry. Here's a tip: Look out for painting pot that you don't use a lot. Nothing badder then a almost new dry pot.

Primer and Glue. Before painting, it is well know that models need to be primed. I usualy used the black, Chaos black, from citadel range. The main reason is that I like to work on dark surface for grimmer model. While other work with white Primer, it is to the user taste. I have a Blue Primer for my Crimson Fist army, the red one is for a blood angel army for a friend, the yellow brownish color is for my other friend Tallarn army. And I sealed my metal model to prevent chipping with my purity sealer. As for glue, pva glue for base modeling and flock, the yellow plastic glue for plastic model (duh!) and metal glue for anything related to metal and finecast.

Here are my different flock for base modeling. On top row, starting from left, burn grass - small grass - tall grass. Lower row, Stone and granite - Woodland - snow. I have to admit that I didn't raise too much my skill on the base modeling. I might take a course on that matter soon.

My paintbrush!! Starting from the top. A citadel basecoat when I want to quickly apply my first base color on a model. Standard brush, the overall brush to do most thing. A fine detail. To do the fin detail of my important character like captain and sergeant. A very used paint that apply green stuff in crack. another fine detail, but for most of my model. Small Drybrush, when I apply dry citadel paint (Yes a type is named dry!) and a painter army brush to add glue on my base for my flock.

In the hobby, you gotta have a pair of cutter to cut the pieces of the sprue. Because of the angle the cutter give you, you save a lot of time off on using craft knives and file. You still need them to remove molding line and to make sure your model are beautiful. I would call that kit, my preparation kit!! The Presses are use when I don't want to handle part too little with my handle and most of all, with metal superglue!!

Green stuff and sculting tool when you want to sculpted a nice upgrade on your models. Again, I have to admit my skill lack a bit in that process. Beside that, it is nice to add when you want to close bigger gap not sited for liquid green stuff. The drill and the pin are to solidify the joint between to pieces, most of the time, metal. They had durability to the model and it will give a better chance to survive a small fall other then breaking in multiple part.

Other stuff are my mixing pot. I bought those for less then 2$. I don't use them often, but for a project, like my friend Tallarn army, I mix some yellow to be able to paint over small unprimed area. The sponge on the bottom suck my extra paint when I have to much. I like to put one of them on one  third of a inch of water. As for the chop stick... I love to order Thai Food, that's all. I believe you can't paint on an empty stomach and I confirmed that a few time. Anyway, that's all for my basic Show and Tell. If you have any comment, post them below and I answer. Till then, have a nice painting session!! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

5th Iron knight company

 Ok, a little blurry, but will do for now. The first 2 picture are 1 tactical squad. In the first pic, I have a sergeant with combi-plasma, that is hard to see from that angle. A heavy bolter and a meltagun are present in this picture as well. Notice that my sergeant as a différent helmet color and a torso shield insignia to represent is veteran status. As for the Heavy Bolter. In my army, all heavy weapon carrier as purple helmet. Same for special weapon, but with orange helmet.
 The second combat Squad show a caporal, the space marine without helmet. It does absolutely nothing, but its fun for background story. All the other 4 marine carry Boltgun and bolt pistol.
 Captain Verandrac. Captain of the 5th Iron Knight company, as you can see on is knee armor. He is equip with a plasma Pistol and a Power sword, although I something consider this weapon as a Relic Blade. When I field him, I try to keep him at minimal cost. He is usually with a 5 men squad with another power weapon, in a razorback.
 Ahhh! My custom made librarian. I inspired myself from another librarian I saw on the internet. I was like, Wow, I so need to make one like that. He is worth 100 pts when I field him and I usually put support spell so no use to cas 2 per turn with the epilostary upgrade that cost 50 pts!!! I used many part to build him. A Grey Knight Nemesis sword, a devastador auspex backpack, the kneeling devastador leg, a battle sister book on the base, Dark angel shoulder Pas, Chaos marine flammer head......
 What make me proud of it, is that I barely build and painted this model in 18 hour. I like the lightning effect I made on the blade. This pic is blurry, but don't worry, I paint other weapon with that technique that you will eventually see.
Ok, Venerable dreadnought from the blood angel kit. I basically like the chaplain look on a dreadnought. I added chaos spike to justify a 6 strength attack because he is built as a shooty unit. I might add more color later and more battle damage, but for now, he is at least tournament painted.

I have gather a lot of model for my red rimed shoulder pad 5th company. 4 Tactical squad of Marine almost complete, 2 Devastador squad (They're not that great for battle, but for showcase, it's awesome), 2 Assault squad, (well missing 5 men to complete them) and I have a 8 men biker + combat bike squad. I'm looking what to field for my last 10 men squad....

Any suggestion, please post. Thank you.